Messi insults and treats his teammates badly

According to the Spanish network "El Confidencial" Quoting from reliable sources that a group of players in Barcelona suffers from ill-treatment by the Argentine superstar Lionel Messi , who offending and humiliated whenever the opportunity to do so, under the law of silence, followed by the management of Barcelona, which force the players to avoid saying this in front of the media for fear that the club may punish them. 

Messi's insults are Beyond the sarcastic comments during quota group training all borders, up his comments against his teammates to personal insult.

A group of young players in Barcelona had admitted that Messi, maltreated by many times the words "You are not any thing", one of them, goalkeeper Adrian Ortola, The defender Alejandro Grimaldo and the attacker Gerard Deulofeu, Who confessed in Spanish team under 19 camp in last summer for the European Nations Cup in Estonia, that Messi have a bad treatment of some of the players in the first team.

Of of the other victims ,Christian Tello, Messi told him : "What do you do? You are new here, you are nothing" as well as: "you will pass the ball to me.. You are here to play for me.", making Tello cries during the share of group training, The behavior of Mesi reiterates with Tello faithful in front of the eyes of the cameras more than once last season.

According to the same source, Alexis Sanchez received the same treatment during a quota group training, as the value of the transition used Sanchez to Barcelona (37 million euros) to guide player great insult, saying:" I do not know in what charged Barcelona this value large financial.."