Wenger criticizes Bale deal before they occur

The French coach Arsene Wenger in English Arsenal Club said  that if  Welsh player Gareth Bale Tottenham sign with Spanish Real Madrid for 85 million pounds (129 million dollars or 97 million euros) and hesitate, that would be a mockery of the principle of playing clean financial advocated by the European Union for the game.
It is reported that Real Madrid intended to express new world record after spending 80 Million Pounds for Portuguese star Cristiano Ronaldo 2009 from Manchester United, in order to contract with Tottenham brilliant suite Gareth Bale.

But Wenger feels that this large amount is incompatible with the new rules of the European Union, which aims to achieve financial stability in all clubs: "This joke. It is astonishing that, in general, which comes clean financial play, has become a world football very crazy," he said.

He said: "I wonder what is the impact on the world of football. It seems that making everyone worse than before,"

Despite the fact that the departure of Bale from Tottenham, will weaken the team Arsenal's North London rival in past years on a seat is qualified to the Champions League, but  Wenger wished the survival of Welsh in his team: "is not good start to lose big player. The British player and I think that it is better to maintain excellent periodic the best players," he said.