Iker Casillas: «It was the worst year of my life»

Iker Casillas had to speak about this year, and he had said:

«It was the worst year of my life because I was wounded. To spend four months in convalescence is very complicated after having played not stop during fourteen years. What makes me most badly is that we did not gain any title. I learned how to estimate and enjoy more when I play. I benefit from each match as if it is the last.»

he added :
«I sometimes thought of leaving Real Madrid. The days when that is badly, you think that to leave is the best solution. But I adore Madrid. Within the cloakroom, I felt the tenderness and the support of all the players. I committed suicide on several occasions for the good out of the club. But I will not change my relation with the press: you saw me growing and inversemen»