Barcelona could face an Exclusion from the Champions League for two years becase of neymar

Guinness Football network said that the Spanish Club Barcelona could get a very harsh penalties that would deduct 22 points from his score of this season in La Liga, and denied participation in the Champions League for two years.

the Spanish newspaper "El Mundo" reported that the value of the deal of Neymar with Barcelona, exceeded the 95 million Euros, and not 57 million as was officially declared.

Santos club member "Jodi casas" had sent to one of the country's judges a review to the documents submitted by the club in response to the communication submitted by him against the President of the club Sandro Rosell, which accused him of embezzlement of 40 million Euros of Neymar deal.

Casas said that the documents revealed by Barcelona showed that the value of neymar had amounted to 57.1 million Euros, including 17.1 Million Euros to Santos , meanwhile the rest of the deal was distribution to the owners of the player rights as reports, indicate that there are three commissions to neymar's family that have not been disclosed.